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3 Reasons to Hire a Local Plumbing Contractor

Mar 27, 2024

When issues arise in your home's plumbing system, your first instinct may be to try to tackle the problem yourself. However, there are several compelling reasons why you should hire a local plumbing contractor instead. With their expertise, equipment, and focus on customer satisfaction, local pros have major advantages over the DIY approach. Here are three reasons to consider hiring one.

1. Schedule a Home Plumbing Inspection

Even if you aren't experiencing any apparent plumbing issues, our experts still recommend you have your home's plumbing fully inspected once a year. A local plumbing contractor will thoroughly examine all pipes, supply lines, drains, valves, and more. They can spot warning signs of deterioration and upcoming failures. By catching leaks and other issues early, you avoid extensive water damage and costly bills while saving water. According to WebFX, on average, a minor leak can waste 10,000 gallons of water per year in a typical home. The small upfront investment in an annual home plumbing inspection can prevent huge headaches down the road.

2. Get Your Drains Cleaned

Keeping your drains clean is crucial to preventing damage, mold, blockages, foul odors, and more. Rather than waiting for a small clog to become a huge headache, hire a local plumbing contractor who offers drain cleaning services. They have specialized equipment, high-quality skills, and can provide advice to help you prevent clogs in the future.

3. Swap Out Plumbing Fixtures

Maybe your bathroom faucets have become encrusted with lime and calcium deposits or your showers and tubs just aren't looking so great anymore. Updating old plumbing fixtures does more than just improve appearance. New water-efficient faucets, showerheads, and toilets save money on your utility bills over time. Local professional plumbers have connections with reputable wholesale suppliers to get you high-quality fixtures at affordable prices. They also handle the safe removal and eco-friendly disposal of old fixtures. With their project coordination skills, the headache of a renovation is eliminated.

For any plumbing dilemma in your home, the smartest first call is to a qualified
local plumbing contractor. Whether you need proactive inspections, drain cleaning, fixture upgrades, or repairs, their expertise gets the job done right. When you need services from local plumbing contractors, reach out to Brad Co Plumbing & Heating to set up an appointment.

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